Sunday, April 03, 2011

Check is IP in range

You can find countless examples how to check is IP in range. I would like to offer my way for solution with LINQ:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using System.Linq;

 public class IPRange
        public byte[] StartAddressBytes { get; private set; }
        public byte[] EndAddressBytes { get; private set; }

        public IPRange(IPAddress startAddress, IPAddress endAddress)
            StartAddressBytes = startAddress.GetAddressBytes();
            EndAddressBytes = endAddress.GetAddressBytes();
        public IPRange(string strartIp, string endIp)
            IPAddress startAddress, endAddress;
            if (IPAddress.TryParse(strartIp, out startAddress) 

                && IPAddress.TryParse(endIp, out endAddress))
                StartAddressBytes = startAddress.GetAddressBytes();
                EndAddressBytes = endAddress.GetAddressBytes();

public class IPRangeUtil
        public static bool IsInRange(List<
IPRange> ipRange , string clientIp)
            IPAddress clientAddress;
            if (!IPAddress.TryParse(clientIp, out clientAddress))
                return false;
            return IsInRange(ipRange, clientAddress);
        public static bool IsInRange(
List<IPRange> ipRange, IPAddress clientAddress)
            int clientIpSum = clientAddress.GetAddressBytes().Sum(item => item);
            return ipRange.Where(range =>
                clientIpSum >= range.StartAddressBytes.Sum(item => item)
                && clientIpSum <= range.EndAddressBytes.Sum(item => item)).Any() ;

A using is very easy:
 List ranges = new List
                        //You can replace "" to IPAddress typed variable 
                          new IPRange("", ""),
                          new IPRange("", "")

bool isInRange = IPRangeUtil.IsInRange(ranges, "");


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